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cluedin 1.0.0

May 07, 2023


Today, I'm happy to announce the first release of cluedin – a Python library to work with CluedIn – a data management platform.

The library is available on PyPi and GitHub. It's open-source and free to use.

In the first release, I focused on authentication and GraphQL API, but I plan to add more features.


The installation is simple:

pip install cluedin



To get a CluedIn access token, you need to create a context object and call the cluedin.auth.load_token_into_context(context) method:

import cluedin context = { "protocol": "http", # if you skip this parameter, it will fall back to `https` "domain": "cluedin.local", "organization": "foobar", "user": "", "password": "Foobar23!" } cluedin.load_token_into_context(context) print(context['access_token'])


To run GraphQL requests, you need to pass the context object to cluedin.gql.gql(context, query, variables) method:

query = """ query searchEntities($cursor: PagingCursor, $query: String, $pageSize: Int) { search( query: $query sort: FIELDS cursor: $cursor pageSize: $pageSize sortFields: {field: "id", direction: ASCENDING} ) { totalResults cursor entries { id name entityType properties } } } """ variables = { "query": "entityType:/Infrastructure/User", "pageSize": 1 } response = cluedin.gql.gql(context, query, variables)

You can also get all results pages using the cluedin.gql.entries(context, query, variables) generator:

import numpy as np import pandas as pd query = """ query searchEntities($cursor: PagingCursor, $query: String, $pageSize: Int) { search( query: $query sort: FIELDS cursor: $cursor pageSize: $pageSize sortFields: {field: "id", direction: ASCENDING} ) { totalResults cursor entries { id name entityType properties } } } """ variables = { "query": "*", "pageSize": 10000 } entries = np.array([x for x in cluedin.gql.entries(context, query, variables)]) df = pd.DataFrame(entries.tolist(), columns=list(entries[0].keys()))

I hope you find this library helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Release notes


  • cluedin.auth.get_token_response(context) – to get access token responses.
  • cluedin.load_token_into_context(context) – to load JWT access tokens into context objects.


  • cluedin.gql.gql(context, query, variables) – to run GraphQL requests.
  • cluedin.gql.entries(context, query, variables) – a generator to return paged results from GraphQL requests.



  • cluedin.utils.load(filename) - to load JSON files into objects.
  •, filename, sort_keys=True) - to save objects into JSON files.

PyPi package: