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CluedIn Data Quality Metrics in Microsoft Fabric and Power BI

March 24, 2024


Here's a video tutorial on how to use CluedIn Data Quality Metrics in Microsoft Fabric and Power BI:

You can find the code used in the video further below.

CLUEDIN_USERNAME='...' CLUEDIN_PASSWORD='...' CLUEDIN_API_TOKEN='...' CLUEDIN_ORG_NAME='...' CLUEDIN_DOMAIN='...' %pip install cluedin import cluedin ctx = cluedin.Context.from_dict({ 'domain': CLUEDIN_DOMAIN, 'org_name': CLUEDIN_ORG_NAME, 'access_token': CLUEDIN_API_TOKEN }) import pandas as pd query = """ query searchEntities($cursor: PagingCursor, $query: String, $pageSize: Int) { search( query: $query cursor: $cursor pageSize: $pageSize sort: FIELDS sortFields: {field: "id", direction: ASCENDING} ) { totalResults cursor entries { id name entityType properties } } } """ variables = { 'query': 'entityType:/IMDb/Name', 'pageSize': 10_000 } df = pd.DataFrame( cluedin.gql.entries( context=ctx, query=query, variables=variables, flat=True)) df df.set_index('id', inplace=True) df.head(5) df.shape df = df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace('', '')) df.head(5) has_birth_year_records_count = (df['birthYear'] != 'N/A').sum() total_records_count = len(df) completeness_of_birth_year = has_birth_year_records_count / total_records_count print(f"Completeness of birthYear: {round(completeness_of_birth_year * 100, 2)}%") spark \ .createDataFrame(df) \ .write.mode('overwrite') \ .format('delta') \ .saveAsTable('imdb_names') display(spark.sql("SELECT * FROM mdm_lakehouse.imdb_names WHERE LIMIT 10")) Birth Year Completeness = DIVIDE( COUNTROWS( FILTER( imdb_names, imdb_names[birthYear] <> "N/A" ) ), COUNTROWS(imdb_names) )